Dear Dot

Dear Dot is here to answer all your sustainable living questions from her perch on the porch. Got a question for Dot? Send her a note for a chance to be featured in an upcoming post.

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Dear Dot: How should I clean my veggies?

Dear Dot, Do I need to purchase a special wash for fruits and vegetables, or is it enough to give them a good rinse with water?  Will Chilmark Dear Will, For many years, I made my own fruit and veggie...

Dear Dot: How Do I Get My Household on the Eco-Bandwagon?

Dear Dot,  I am feeling hopeful. I've dispensed with plastic baggies to preserve food, and upped my game on recycling. I buy organic, and try to get out of the market without too much plastic, and...

Dear Dot: Can I Make My Car More Eco-Friendly?

Dear Dot, I can’t afford a new electric vehicle. Is there a way to make my internal combustion engine more energy-efficient? Does it matter what grade fuel I use? -Poppy Dear Poppy, For too long, the notion of...

Dear Dot: What's the Deal with Eco-friendly Laundry Detergents?

Dear Dot, Ads for laundry strips have been showing up in my Facebook feed, touting their eco-friendliness. Do they work? Also … what are laundry strips? –The Laundress  My dear Laundress, The data gods with their dark magic algorithms...

Dear Dot: How do I reduce my microplastics?

Dot tackles your thorniest questions from a perch on her porch. Dear Dot,  I’ve been reading about the volume of microplastics in our oceans and waterways, and am concerned about what can be done to reduce my...

Dear Dot: How Do I Reduce My Microplastics?

  Dot tackles your thorniest questions from a perch on her porch. Dear Dot,  I’ve been reading about the volume of microplastics in our oceans and waterways, and am concerned about what can be done to reduce my...

